The 4th Makassar Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Annual Meeting (MaCPLAM)
Medical Laboratory Reformation : Issue, Impact and Inovation
First announcement
Lokasi: Clarion Convention & Hotel Makassar
Waktu: 2-5 May 2018
Symposium [3-4 May]
- The Clinical Pathologist at JKN Era
- Update in Infection & Immunology: Diphteria
- Blood Transfusion & Products
- Thyroid Disorders in Children and Adults
- Bone Marrow Comprehensive Interpretation [2 May, max.50]
- Platelet Rich Plasma [5 May, max.20]
Contact person:
dr. Eko Putri Rahajeng (08114511051)
dr. Rini Rahman (08113323691)
Nurilawati, SKM (085255960143)
BNI 0534730972 a/n PDS PATKLIN Cab. Makassar